Nov 19, 2011


Better Quality at Lower Cost:

In our world, service means handling the tasks that are important to the smooth functioning of an organization, but which are not part of its core business. We also want to handle them better and more cost effectively than our customers can – or anybody else for that matter.

Integrated Facility Services is our service model where Efficient Forces takes over all, or most of the facility functions at the client’s premises. By integrating services, Efficient Forces can create further cost synergies and increase efficiency and flexibility. Focus is on providing a single point of contact through an on-site contract manager and on optimizing the management structure and delivery system. For International contracts we combine this with a cross border management structure to allow for service optimization and bench marking.

Integrating people and service teams:

Efficient Forces integration has many different forms and meanings. In addition to our ability to create synergies from many services, integration is also relevant between management layers. But, integration also means making our employees feel part of the client’s organization. Moreover, it also refers to our ability to care for outsourced employees who have transferred from the client’s internal service teams. To support the integration process and ensure the shift in employment is implemented rapidly, efficiently and effectively, Efficient Forces manages this initial phase of each new partnership through a specially appointed team involving both client’s and Efficient Forces Human Resource department.

If you'd like to know more, feel free to Email us: Or Call +919884425551


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